Bee Therapy

Varroa Mite Update - what's happening with both our honey and native bees

Patrice Newell and Dani Lloyd-Prichard

Dani and Patrice update Varroa Mite’s control in New South Wales. Dani’s honeybees in the red zone are dead. Her native-bees have moved to safer ground. You won’t be seeing honey bees in the Newcastle area for some time.

Production: Lucienne Joy.
Music:  Heidi Prichard.

Patrice’s bees are an important part of her biodynamic farm Elmswood in the Upper Hunter Valley, NSW. She sells honey during a good honey flow season, available
Find her on Facebook and Instagram
Dani’s bees live around Lake Macquarie, Newcastle and next to Mt Royal NP.  Dani is a bee researcher and educator who co-authored the 'Australian Native Bees' AgGuide and runs courses and coaching for women keen to finesse their beekeeping skills. Find her on Twitter and and Facebook